A Professionals Approach to workflow using Lightroom and Photoshop - Adrian Wilson (McFade)

Thu 22 Apr 2021 7:00pm

Adrian took up photography back in 2003, when the first affordable DSLR cameras hit the market. As a keen amateur, he started out as a passionate landscape photographer – travelling thousands of miles a year to find new locations to capture. Unsurprisingly, he has an amazing knowledge of Yorkshire, Northumberland and The Lake District.

As new techniques developed through the “noughties”, he was always an early adopter – starting HDR in 2007 and soon after, the first speedlite-triggers came out, so learned “how to use off camera flash”.

Adrian is now a Commercial Photographer undertaking all manner of projects and in between holds photo training shoots(studio and landscape) and processing workshops.

This talk, whilst Adrian points out is definative, will demonstrate his professional approach to workflow using both Lighteroom and Photoshop. 

If anyone cares to visit his web site  http://www.mcfade.co.uk/about-3/ there are a number of short videos demonstrating various techniques and details on his workshops

Kings Church
New Lane